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Our goal is to provide Hope, Help & Healing to our church members and the community. RevTab Food Pantry assists in that effort in obvious ways - FOOD, PAPER PRODUCTS, HYGIENE ITEMS AND CLEANING SUPPLIES. Our Food Pantry is open to RevTab members every Wednesday night after BIble study. We are also open to the community on the first and third Wednesday of every month from 7 PM - 7:30 PM.​

*Please bring your own bags and enter at the far end of the church.

Please email any questions to

Revival Tabernacle/Hope. Help. Healing./ / 570-538-2000 / PO Box 38 Watsontown PA 17777


Non-denominational church, bible believing, spirit filled, Iglesia Hispania, Iglesia cerca de mi, Holy Spirit, Family-oriented

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